2014년 10월 26일 일요일

The narration

 My persuasive argument thesis is: Classical music has positive influence on human

1. What do people already know about my topic?
Classical music, especially music of Mozart, is well known as one of the mechanism that increases the intelligence. Classical music makes people calm. Classical music has specific form. It is still famous and powerful for example, there are a lot of orchestras that perform the classical music and there is even genre that combined other genre and classical music.

2. What research has already been done about my topic?
3. What are the implications of my argument (What if I'm right? What if I'm right and people ignore me?)
Classical music obviously has an impact on human. And the effect of the classical music is positive. Although some of the pop or rock music is revealed to disturb the other action or activity, classical music not disturb but help concentrating.

My Narration

 Actually, many people will know about the Mozart effect. There are many studies done before about the Mozart effect. 'Mozart effect' is the finding of the UCI's researchers and Frances Rauscher and it means that listening to Mozart's music can enhance the ability of studying and intelligence. Therefore there was a lot of parents who played the Mozart's music to thier children and some of the counries try to support the Classical music industry to increase the people's intelligence. After the appreance of the concept of the Mozart effect, many people studied and worked about this a lot of times, and there are many reasons that can support this hypothesis.

 Not only the Mozart effect, there are still numerous evidence that can prove the positive effect of the classical music. According to Silvia Francesca Magiloce, Classical music has influence on organization adn abilities of the brain through its melody and rhythm. Repeated melody is related to the organization of the brain. And the regular rtythm of the classical music has an impact on abilties. This study can prove the Mozart effect apparently. Also there is interesting findings of the same person. Researcher found that effect of the classical music is much powerful than on children. This finding can solve the wonder of why parents try to play the classical music to their children rather than listening to it.

 Actually, there was experiment to show the difference of listening to the classical music and not listening to the classiclal music. This experiment done by scientists, revealed that rats which listened to classical music jave physically more developed brain. By this experiment, it seems that the fact that classical music has positive influence on human becomes more obvious than before. But the classical music not only has an effect physically, but also
emotionally. Classical music make people calm and at the same time, it can make people feel joyous. According to one study done by UCI, when people listening to the classical music, brain produces the hormone called serotonin that makes people feel joyous.


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